Capturing Birth Photography
As a Photographer, there are many people you meet at many different times in their lives. Many of those clients you become close with, not just in the realm of photographing their children, family, or special events, but in a deeper realm of knowing that you are capturing moments that can’t be relived physically, no matter how much one may wish they could. You capture laughter that in time will fade, you capture joy, little wrinkles that will soon become chunky rolls on their baby, or even that very first step of their first child. In so many ways photography is so rewarding & provides a great sense of peace.
Oh sweet bliss. That moment they’ve been waiting for. Little man all cuddled with his parents who love him so much.
When I started doing Birth Photography, I wanted to offer this service simply because I myself did not get the experience of having a Birth Photographer with my oldest two children. I did get that luxury with my youngest two, thankfully. I never realized until I looked at the images, just how much a mother giving birth not only misses due to the busy of the day, but how quickly her & the baby change in a matter of just hours, or days. There is such an emotional part of that first few hours of life that needs to be captured, that a mother needs to be able to look back on & see. For many moms, looking back at images shows them a totally different perspective of the events of the day. Just how strong they are, how their husbands emotions changed by the moment, how their baby looked the first time they took a breath.
For me personally, it was an image of my husband. I was holding our first daughter right after birth on my chest for skin to skin time & he was sitting right next to me, with his head propped on his hand staring at her & tears in his eyes. That image is one that I will forever have in my mind, yet I would have never even seen that view of him looking at her had it not been for my Birth Photographer.
It always makes me so teary eyes seeing the hubby kiss his wife during delivery. The forehead kiss is always a simple, yet sweet reminder of love.
That image made me realize even more than I already knew, or thought I knew, just how important Birth Photography is. All these years of capturing Births for my clients & friends, making sure to capture what I see as so special. This image, & me being the mama receiving this image hit my heart in a whole different way.
Birth photography is the perfect way to capture all the little first, all the emotion, all the excitement & all the love. If there was a way to literally bottle it all up, this would be the best way. If you are expecting, or even if you are a family member or friend of someone who is, please consider gifting them a birth session, or a certificate with a photographer for a portion of Birth Photography. I promise you it will be the #1 gift that will last a lifetime, literally.
This birth pictured here is another local Photographer out of Aubrey Tx. Nicole Berkley & I have known each other for a few years now, . Getting to work with her during her Pregnancy was not only special, but an honor. From Milk Bath Maternity, to Birth & then Fresh 48. It was all so very special.
The support of having your spouse there. That simple grip of them, just knowing they have you!
He was worth every ounce of it all. Every little hair, every little curl, every little wrinkle, all ten fingers & all ten toes.
Walking down the hall to the room where Nicole is delivering!
“Safe in these arms is where I wish I could keep you forever”
That smile. Knowing her whole family is right here, all five kiddos, & her husband. For this moment the world is calm.
His little nose is just so button cute!
Blue dress from our Client Closet & gorgeous blue flowers for her baby boy!