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What is a Lifestyle/Emotive Family Session?
Lifestyle/Emotive capturing photography is one of the most intimate types of photography today. Lifestyle simply means “Un-Posed”. The Lifestyle photographer is focused on capturing the pure, raw connection between each subject in the session. Whether it be husband & wife, mother & child, siblings, etc., the point is to be able to bring you back to that exact moment years to come.
Lifestyle/Emotive Photography does not simply capture life in posed images, it tells a story. Lifestyle/Emotive photography takes everything happening in a moment & captures the true raw emotion. That little freckle faced smile, the giggle while your husband is telling you a silly joke, or arms wrapped around your one year old who is growing too quickly. This style of photography goes so much deeper than just showing up & posing for a few quick shots.
Lisa Renee' Photography, takes Lifestyle Photography to a whole new level. We show up at the location planned & ready to go by getting your children to have some fun first. We focus on playing a few games with them to get them giggling & excited. We make jokes with the husbands to get them to loosen up & not be so stiff. Then we add in mom & get her to laugh with the family. Be it a tickling match, a skipping race, or even a snorting competition. We will get everyone having fun. We go deeper from here & get the little cuddling moments, the hugs, or when little man grabs for his momma’s hand when he wants a drink from the kitchen, or when the little princess decides to put her nose to daddy’s for a little Eskimo kiss when they think nobody is looking. It is taking a step back & being in the background a little bit to capture those little moments that often go unseen.
There are many forms of Lifestyle Sessions, which include, but are not limited to: Newborns, Engagements, Family, Mommy & Me, & so many more. Lifestyle photography can also be more like a “Documentary” or “Day in the Life” session. Have you ever gone on vacation & wished that someone had captured the fun, behind the scenes, not posed? Have you ever been in bed at night & thought about “I wish I could bottle these moments up, they are going so fast!” Have you ever wished that you had captured in some way aside from memory, the size of your child’s hand? The dimples in their fingers? The freckles on their little cheeks? With Day in the Life Sessions, we show up & tag along with you, whatever you have planned that day, we go with you. Grocery shopping, the zoo, the car wash, you name it. We capture the fun & even the chaos in those moments. Making those memories so much more in depth.
In home lifestyle/documentary sessions are the sweetest, most memorable sessions. Capturing your family members in their exact moments as they are. Completely un-posed
The primary focus for these types of sessions with Lisa Renee’ Photography is to capture the raw emotion, those un-posed, not looking at the camera moments from which you & your grandchildren will be able to “feel” the connection generations to come.
Lisa Renee’ Photography offers a wide variety of Professional Products & Services for our clients. In addition to Lifestyle sessions, we offer custom gallery wall displays with images from your session. Our average client spends $2500 on products after their session. We offer our gallery wall display services Free of charge on any products purchase over $1,000. We firmly believe that having your images on display creates a sense of love & admiration in your home for all to see. Images do not belong locked up in your computer!